Have a laugh on me

We're not all in the same boat, some of us struggle to even get in the boat!


Why I am cursing the end of school holidays!

While most mums are pulling victory laps of the school drop-off zone – I’m actually lamenting the end of the school holidays!

And no I haven’t gone soft in the head, I just really adored spending quality time with my oldest cherub, we also had lots of laughs.

Not surprisingly I also LOVED not having to force help two cheeky toddlers get dressed, put shoes on, get in the car, sit in their car seats, get strapped in to their car seats, be transferred to a stroller, not scream and hit me in the head, EVERY MORNING!

Borrowing the moo's helmet, sunglasses and cardigan - PINK PRINCESS

Styling it wearing my daughter’s helmet, sunglasses and cardigan – eat your heart out Pink!

My girl and I had such a great time bonding, dressing up, crafting, catching up with friends, riding her scooter, and playing Candy Crush Saga – sorry Jess it must have my daughter who asked you to “send me a life” (okay so it was me but let’s not tell anyone else 😉 )

In saying all of that – it just wouldn’t be a post from me if I didn’t point out a few obvious benefits of school.

For six hours a day I don’t have to answer 345 tricky questions from a curious and smart five-year-old, especially ones such as “what is a stiffy?” (thanks husband for this great terminology).

Instead of strapping three kids in the car, I only have two – that also means less toilet stops, fewer shoes to put on, fewer teeth to ensure are brushed, less time wasted picking clothes to wear, and less time spent spraying anti-cootie product in hair!

I can tell my three-year-old that Maccas has run out of chips, we have no ice blocks, and that there is a sign in every shop telling him that he can’t do the naughty thing he is doing!

While I didn’t get any more sleep, I did spend more time with my eyes closed, lying in bed and not worrying about having to get up and out the door at a certain time.

However, this was marred by the fact that No.3 had more time to learn how to open the fridge, pull out the water jug and attempt to fill his cup most mornings! I can’t believe the little monkey can actually do it, but I have a huge pile of towel washing to prove it!

I think the kids also enjoyed being allowed to watch more movies, I mean visual educational material 😉

I think it was about 7am when this photo was taken, and the first time I had actually got out of bed for the morning - BLISS. And surprisingly they aren't staring at the periodic table of elements, the TV is on!

I think it was about 7am when this photo was taken, and the first time I had actually got out of bed for the morning – BLISS. And surprisingly they aren’t staring at the periodic table of elements, the TV is on!

What do you LOVE or HATE about school going back?!

It’s Tuesday so linking with Jess from Essentially Jess