Have a laugh on me

We're not all in the same boat, some of us struggle to even get in the boat!


Leaping back on the netball court after a 17-year hiatus

My heart was racing, I could barely eat (a rare thing for me) and I was consumed with worry about how the next hour would unfold.

I hadn’t felt this nervous since the eve of my induction with my second child.

What could get me, Mrs I Don’t Really Give A Shit About Much, so worked up?


Yep don’t rub your computer screens, you read right, I was totally working myself up into a frenzied state because after 17 years I was about to get back on the courts.

Is this what a netball looks like?

Is this what a netball looks like?

Notice the perm and clenched fist - I was one tough chick back then!

I bet you’re thinking what an awesome looking athlete I look here 😉 – this was taken nearly 20 years ago!

I was worried because I’m TOTALLY unfit and haven’t played any sport, apart from ‘chase three little shits around the house’ in years.

Don’t let my trademark chicken legs fool you – I’m so unfit that I need to stop for drink’s break when I walk down the driveway to get the newspaper!

I also knew that if I fell or played like a gumbie then I was letting the whole team down, and I hate that shit.

Being part of a team is a big deal to me and I didn’t want to be ‘that person’ who didn’t pull their weight, literally.

All day I hoped that each beep of my phone was my friend saying the game had been cancelled (sorry Ang but it’s true :).

No amount of peep talks from friends were helping – I just had to bite the bullet, put on three bras and have a teaspoon of cement.

Check out that mighty defence lean - which ALWAYS gets my pulled up by the refs

Check out that mighty defence lean – which ALWAYS gets my pulled up by the refs

Stressing just before I took to the court

Stressing just before I took to the court

After 10 minutes I had to sub off because my legs were jelly and I couldn’t run anymore.

I then got my second wind and played the last two quarters, some in the rain, and kicked some teenage-girl butt!

It was AWESOME, I ran around like a possessed woman, leaping, jumping, and defending that ball like it was one of my children.

We won and I felt proud that I had helped achieve this in some way.

This is blurry because we were moving SO fast ;)

This is blurry because we were moving SO fast 😉

And it doesn’t matter that I’m now walking a bit like a cowboy and can barely move my arms, I leaped out of my comfort zone and have become part of a team again.

What team sport did or did you play? What’s stopping you from getting back into it?

Linking with Jess @ Essentially Jess for IBOT – she is off to DPCON13 or DEF CON 3 as I like to call it – have a ball girl – wish I was there!